Tag Archives: portland design works

Thank You For Helping Fight ALS!

Finish line shot.

Seriously. Thank you to all the wonderful people that were generous and kind and donated their time, energy, money, and product to this fundraiser. Friends, Family, kindhearted Internet strangers, Portland Design Works, and Nuun all came together and in the end, the raffle helped raise $600! That $600 was part of the nearly $1,700 our team raised, which in turn contributed to the $97,000 (and counting) that the ALS DoubleDay ride raised in total.

In short, good people came together to help make a positive difference. As I said in the previous post, the money raised by this event helps fund ALS research and helps fund the ALS Association’s community support program, which provides assistance for people with ALS and their families.

Becky riding on day 1.

I believe the term for this is “wicked pastoral.”

The event itself was fantastic. The riding in Washington’s Skagit Valley is absolutely gorgeous. The DoubleDay routes take you through beautiful farmland, forests, and lakes. The snow-capped peaks of the North Cascades are visible at nearly every turn.

The routes are not really geared towards cyclists. 45 miles on the first day and 40 the second don’t make for an “epic” ride report, but that’s far from the point. It’s hard to beat two days of riding in amazing landscapes, in the sunshine (a rarity for us in the PNW these days), with good people, raising money for a good cause.

Once again, Portland Design Works and Nuun deserve a big round of applause. They didn’t hesitate to support the cause with prize donations. Next time you’re in the market for tools, lights, and accessories, think PDW. Next time you’re getting prepping for a big ride, skip the crappy sports drink and get the good stuff from Nuun.

And again, the readers and supporters who came out of the woodwork and gave so generous deserve a huge round of applause as well. I’m absolutely thrilled by everyone’s generosity.

Thank you,


Help Fight ALS, Win Prizes from Portland Design Works and Nuun

The Raffle is officially over. Thanks so very much to everyone who donated and thanks again to PDW and Nuun for their support! Follow up post coming shortly.

You can win this awesome stuff!

I don’t usually write about personal stuff on this site, but for the next couple weeks I’m going to use this pulpit to raise money for a good cause.  In exchange for helping out with the cause, I’ve got seven awesome prizes that you can win from Portland Design Works and Nuun!

The Story

On July 23-24, my girlfriend Becky and I will be participating in the ALS Double Day ride in Washington’s Skagit Valley. The two-day ride raises money for the Evergreen chapter of the ALS Association and helps fund ALS research and the community-support program the ALS Association does for ALS patients and their families. Though it’s a worthy cause for anyone to support, it’s particularly important to me and Becky. When Becky was 8, her father passed away after a hard fight with ALS.

ALS, commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, is a horrible degenerative nerve disease that often leaves those affected by it wheelchair bound and eventually unable to care for themselves as it progresses. There is currently no cure.

But you can help.

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PDW’s Dan Powell: Succeeding as the Little Guy in a Big Bike Industry

Dan and E.T. escaping the Feds at a Portland cross race.

Portland Design Works‘ Dan Powell has gumption. It’s a fitting word to describe a man who left his job at Planet Bike to move halfway across the country to start a new bike accessories company (along with fellow ex-Planet Biker Erik Olson) as the US economy crumbled around them. Almost three years later, the company continues to grow and PDW continues to garner recognition in the bike world (thanks in part to the press garnered after Dan purchased a mini velodrome and installed it in their warehouse. I spoke to Dan about the foundation of his company; the struggles of a little company in a big, established industry; the ups (and downs) of living in America’s biketopia, and the general awesomeness of owning a miniature bike track.

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